BBCF provides individual businesses and government leaders with guidance to implement effective, sustainable solutions to their unique problems aimed at achieving rapid growth. With proven leaders from around the globe, BBCF adapts to every unique situation by employing the most advanced business tools, management techniques, and analytical understanding to address the unique situations facing modern dairy in Pakistan.
Headed by Capt. Jaffar Chaudhry, and Mr.Tony Jones BBCF provides professional, elegant, efficient solutions ranging from general project design, hands on implementation, to key purchase decisions. Our experiences help us draw from a vast range of contacts to bring together a specialized team for every unique situation. You can rest assured BBCF’s honest, open and direct way of doing business lets our ideas stand in the face of our competitors allowing the best idea to win the hearts and minds of our potential clients.
BBCF is known for many unique business firsts in Pakistan, including the successful Empower Projects, the first Silage production in Pakistan, and introducing effective Traceability. We believe in seeking quantifiable results, not theory. We believe in top down, and bottom up solutions, not managerial conjecture.